Folgende Aussagen von Alistair Hornal, aus dem Rundmail von Partnership UK, haben mich zum Nachdenken angeregt:
„The main idea behind the word ‚amateur‘ is of someone who acts out of sheer love. Those who love Jesus will not want to settle for serving him in a shoddy fashion. ‚Jobsworth‘ attitudes are not confined to those who are paid! And isn’t the point of paying people who give their whole time to Christian ministry to support people who serve well, thus releasing them from the normal requirement to earn their living? (Whatever their employment status, the Lord’s servants should not be treated as mere ‚employees‘!) Whether or not we give or receive financial support, or whether we have always served freely and without payment, can we aim to be true amateurs – with our wholehearted motivation springing from the love of God?“
Ich finde sie etwas zu einseitig. Ich würde gerne echter Profi sein, mit der richtigen geistlichen Motivation. Das Profil des Profi bezieht sich auf die Qualität. Die kann ein Amateur nicht erreichen. Aber die Einstellung gilt für beide.
Ebenso finde ich die Aussagen von John Piper, die dort zitiert werden, interessant, aber auch zu einseitig:
„We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry. The mentality of the professional is not the mentality of the prophet. It is not the mentality of the slave of Christ. Professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and the heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness, there is no professional tenderheartedness, there is no professional panting after God. Brothers, we are not professionals. We are outcasts. We are aliens and exiles in the world. Our citizenship is in Heaven, and we wait with eager expectation for the Lord (Phil. 3:20). You cannot professionalize the love for His appearing without killing it. And it is being killed. The world sets the agenda of the professional man; God sets the agenda of the spiritual man. The strong wine of Jesus Christ explodes the wineskins of professionalism.“
Wenn wir professionell sind, dann sind wir es m.E. aus Liebe zu Jesus und um die Welt in einem Auftrag zu erreichen und um Gott die Ehre zu geben und nicht um einfach professionell zu sein. Es geht m.E. darum, dass eine gute Qualtität Gott ehrt.