Auf einer Vorstandssitzung des Vorstandes der AGB, dem ich bis 2012 als Berater angehörte, habe ich anhand des Zukunftmodells von Patrick Dixon einen kleinen Impuls für die Ausrichtung von Gemeinden gegeben.
Schlagwort: Patrick Dixon
„Here is the challenge: spiritual leadership comes from within, from our own relationship with God, from our own devotional life, from our own sense of closeness to Jesus, from our own character, own lifestyle and how we run our own household (1Tim 3:1-16).
Personal example is the most powerful way to lead (2Tim 3:10) and one of the most powerful ways to lead therefore is by offering hospitality, bringing people into your home and into your own extended ´family´tribe (1Peter 4:9).
Dr. Patrick Dixon in youthwork magazin 2012 (Article: How our changing world will affect your youth work).