Audio Glaube/Nachfolge Verkündigung/Predigt

New Episode: Lost and Found (Luke 15)

This sermon was delivered in English by a German and translated into Burmese. So, try and excuse our simple English.

A. Introduction
B. God seeks you!
C. Three awesome stories:
1. First I read a few verses from Luke, chapter 12,3-7
2. After this story, Jesus told another story. It’s about a coin. I read verses 8-10
3. Jesus told another story. It’s about a son. The son first has to learn, that he needs his father. I read verses 11-32
D. Conclusion and Call
E. Prayer

Also available as script and video.

English Ressources Glaube/Nachfolge Skript Verkündigung/Predigt Video/YouTube

Lost & Found / Luke 15 – New video and script online / English & Burmese

A new sermon is online. In (lousy) English, but in good Burmese:

A. Introduction
B. God seeks you!
C. Three awesome stories: about a sheep / about a coin / about a son
D. Conclusion and Call
E. Prayer

Here’s the script: Lost & Found_Luke 15_Celebration Service Sermon_web