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Frohe Weihnachten / Merry Christmas 2014!

Merry Christmas 2014!Liebe Blog-Leser,

ich wünsche euch ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein cooles neues Jahr 2015!
In unseren Weihnachtsgottesdiensten geht es dieses Jahr um Matthäus 1,23: „>Die Jungfrau wird schwanger werden und einen Sohn zur Welt bringen den werden sie Immanuel nennen.< Der Name bedeutet: >Gott steht uns bei<.“Das ist ein starkes Versprechen. Es erinnert an die Grundaussage Gottes, dass er der „Ich bin“ ist. Gott ist mit uns in jeder Lebenslage. Also auch in 2015.
Gott segne euch und eure Familien!

Euer Veit


Dear readers,

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
In our Christmas Eve service this year, we will talk about the passage from Matthew 1:23 (NIV): „The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel“ (which means “God with us”).
This is a very strong promise! God is with us in every circumstance of our life. Also in 2015.
May the Lord bless you and your families in 2015.


Glaube/Nachfolge Skript Verkündigung/Predigt

Begeistert (Nachfolge) leben

Neues Predigtskript online: Begeistert (Nachfolge) leben

In dieser Predigt rede ich davon, wie wir Zeugen für Jesus sind, weil der Heilige Geist auf uns gekommen ist und in uns lebt. Dabei sind wir Zeugen in unserem eigenen Style.

1. Einleitung: meine Styles Jesus zu bezeugen
2. Schalke bekennen
3. Jesus bekennen
4. Bekennen, wen wir lieben
5. Abschluss

Kirche/Gemeinde Leitung Verkündigung/Predigt

Neue Links

Hier zwei neue Links, die ich empfehle:

Glaube/Nachfolge Jugendarbeit Skript Verkündigung/Predigt

Moderation online: Anbetung und Abendmahl: beziehungsPFLEGE

logo_pfijukoAuf der Pfijuko 2012 haben wir mit 2400 Leuten in der Siegerlandhalle Gott angebetet und das Abendmahl gefeiert. Der Ablauf und die Moderation sind jetzt online (passwortgeschützt):

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Creation or Evolution or Creation by Evolution

Veit ClaesbergA few months ago I had an interesting discussion about this theme, with a glass of very good French red wine in my hand;-), which was donated by my conversation partner.

Here are my thoughts to prepare the talk:

This is a very interesting issue, because it seems for me many years incompatible to believe in God and in evolution. Long time of my life I couldn’t imagine that evolution was possible, although I know many good Christians who believe in God and evolution. Some of them are good friends and I accept their thinking. So I started a journey and in the last two years I found a way to bring both approaches a little bit closer together.
I’m still on the way with this issue. I see three different ways to handle it, some with various forms:

1. Creation is right – evolution is wrong and just a theory
1a. Creation is right – the biblical report is true and complete.
1b. Creation is right – but indeed there is a way of micro-evolution (within the species) (currently my opinion)

2. Evolution is right – Creation is wrong
2a. Creation is just a good story – there is no God. God is dead.
2b. There must be somebody who started the evolution and give the first information to start (maybe a God)
2c. The nature is so great and complex – there must be a designer (intelligent design), maybe a God

3. God create the world through evolution
The Story about creation in Genesis shows us the fact, that God has created us. It tells us about the problem of sin. It’s a story. And we must read it in a different way and like a true story with important truths, but not as an exact report about the process of creation. It was written in a pattern, that everyone at any time could find the important facts about life. So Christians are not silly. They say we need an answer because of sin, war, accidents, love, identity, good and evil and the bible tells us, that God is the creator and inventor of life and give us a good instruction for life. And later on the bible shows us Jesus Christ, who is the saviour and the answer (recently I sympathies with this opinion).

Maybe there are some more ways.
Here I found a good article about the issue: http://www.eauk.org/church/resources/theological-articles/can-a-christian-believe-in-evolution.cfm
Also, I found this Christian evangelical website: http://www.cis.org.uk/

And here is a new book by John Lennox about creation: Sieben Tage, das Universum und Gott.